12月17日,由香港室内设计协会主办的2021第二十九届 APIDA 亚太区室内设计大奖 线上颁奖典礼圆满落幕。
On 17 December 2021, the 29th Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards online ceremony hosted by the Hong Kong Interior Design Association was rounded off successfully.
方式设计作品 曾凤飞服装文化馆荣获公共机构空间 Institutional Space 设计大奖 。
"ZENGFENGFEI Apparel Cultural Center" designed by Fancy won the 2021 APIDA institutional space design award.
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公共机构空间 Institutional Space
曾凤飞服装文化馆是一个旧厂房改造项目,占地面积1012.5m²。室内设计跳脱固有的平面思维窠臼,借鉴传统中式造园手法,以微缩尺度的 “厅、廊、桥、巷、院” 铺排场景叙事,在空旷厂房的平直动线上营造 “游园之趣”,搭建出契合品牌设计理念的空间。
ZENGFENGFEI Apparel Cultural Center is a project of old factory plant renovation, and covers an area of 1012.5m². The interior design breaks free from the inherent flat thinking and draws on traditional Chinese gardening techniques to lay out a narrative of the "hall, corridor, bridge, lane and courtyard" scenes in miniature scale, creating the "fun in the garden" in the straight flowing lines of the vast and empty plant, and building a space that fits the design concept of the ZENGFENGFEI brand. It perfectly integrates the exclusive store, clothing exhibition hall and studio into one place. It is a composite integrating fashion, future, functionality, diversity with traditional culture as the core. It is sustainable and inclusive, and its advantages will only grow in the future. It will play the role as one of the windows for the export of ZENGFENGFEI brand culture.
自1992年起,香港室内设计协会(HKIDA)每年均会举办亚太区室内设计大奖(Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards,简称APIDA),旨在表彰亚太区室内设计行业的人才及其创作成果,促进同行间的交流和分享,不断提升专业水平,发掘并成就无数业内年青才俊,并提升各界对室内设计的了解和认同。
APIDA is organised by Hong Kong Interior Design Association (HKIDA) since 1992. It is the 29th year of APIDA to promote professional standards and ethics among interior design and also give high recognition to outstanding interior design projects and designers.
Aiming to promote public awareness of interior design as an important aspect of everyday life, give industry recognition to deserving projects and designers and to encourage and promote professional standards and ethics among interior design practices operating in the region.